What Happens When a Customer Replies to My SMS Review Request?


What to do if customer replies to my SMS review / feedback request?

*Note:  SMS is enable​d only at Pro Plans. (click here to see Reputation Builder packages)

When a customer replies to a SMS feedback request, instead of clicking the Leave Feedback URL, their SMS reply will be captured in ReputationBuilder.

Since your customer simply replied to the SMS rather than leaving you a rating, no NPS score was captured. Without an NPS score the feedback does not meet Schema Markup requirements. The SMS reply can not be shown on your website using the Testimonials Widget without a rating.


Where can I view the customer’s SMS reply?

The SMS reply will appear in the Feedback column of the Customer Dashboard.


SMS replies will appear in the Feedback column

You can view a customer’s SMS reply history from the Customer Profile. Click on a customer’s name to access their profile. Look for the SMS Replies section to view this information.


Look for the SMS Replies section

How will I be notified when a customer leaves a SMS reply?

ReputationBuilder system will send an email alert to the Feedback Alert Notification recipients setup on your Notification Settings page. The email notification will contain the customer’s SMS reply and a notice that they did not leave a rating.


Feedback Notification Alert of SMS reply