Feedback vs Online Reviews vs Testimonials


Responding both positive and negative feedbacks are always recommended!

Differences between Feedback, Online Review and Testimonial

Feedback is essentially provided by a customer, or a patient in the case for health industry, with an expectation that the organization will use the information to improve their operational structure. Unlike an Online Review which is posted online at 3rd. party  websites lie Google, Facebook, Home Advisor, Health Grades etc. , feedback is an internal critique provided in the hope that the company will improve. 

Testimonials are personal accounts given by certain customers about the quality of service provided by the seller of the product. They are generally positive accounts about the given organization. Some of the Feedbacks can be used as Testimonial and published online automatically using Testimonial Widget.

Online Reviews are the review of a product or service made by a customer who has purchased and used, or had experience with, the product or service. Customer reviews are a form of customer feedback on 3rd party web sites like Google, Yelp, HomeAdvisor, Facebook, etc. There are also dedicated review sites, some of which use customer reviews as well as or instead of professional reviews. 

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